Thursday, November 13, 2008

Whispers of Truth

Galatians 4:15… What has happened to all your joy?

I love Fall. The leaves change from green into vibrant red, yellow, and orange. School starts. Yep! I’m one of those nerds who loves buying school supplies and smelling chalk. The air turns from muggy to cool to a frosty bite. I do love fall, but I HATE that it gets dark early.

I need sunshine and lots of it. In fact, by March I’m sticking my head out the window while driving down the street just to soak in the sun. And yes, I look like a giant black poodle (curly hair, you know)!

Anyway, I woke up this dreary, gray morning with one verse going through my mind. “What has happened to all your joy?” Paul is admonishing the Galatians to search their own hearts. They served him faithfully and loved the Lord passionately. Now, they are confused and worn down and looking to other teachers to guide them.

I confess, I am very much like that. I look at the world (and lack of sunlight) around me and get depressed. I mean really, marriages are falling apart and people I love are hurting each other with their words. There are children whose parents are in jail and some children who don’t have parents at all. Christians are sitting in jail because of their faithfulness and I struggle to even read my Bible. This feeling, it hovers bleak and gray like the sky, threatening to suffocate me.

I run to sunshine, self-help books, internet sites, and friends to fix me. But they only reveal how far I have to go. I can’t fix the world, let alone myself. Then, my precious savior whispers to my sleepy heart, what has happened to all your joy?

I have given it away by keeping my eyes on my circumstances. I have settled for what I could see instead of hoping for that which I cannot see. I have built broken jars to hold onto the water of life, only to find it ebbing out of the cracks.

BUT God’s gentleness to me this morning led me back to the rest of Galatians (one of my favorites). By God’s grace I can cling to the cross. I can remember the truth. Jesus is my righteousness. He is the only one who can make marriages right, give kind words, and be the father to the fatherless. He is sovereign and can handle the plights of our word. In fact, he already has.

May the grace and peace and light of Jesus be with you … in abundance…


David K said...

You really are a gifted writer... has anyone ever told you that? Oh, and you're cute too.

Jen said...

I'm blessed to have a husband like you who notices... :)

Lyra said...

Jen!!! I had no idea you had this blog! You've been keeping it a secret. Well, now I know. My nifty blog stats showed me that a blog called Seriously Free had been visiting my blog, so I click over and what do I find? That you have a blog, and that you've put a link to mine on yours. I feel so honored to be linked on your blog. You truly are a gifted writer, and I'm so thrilled to be in touch this way. I'm subscribing now! Love you! By the way, those tea party pictures are way too precious!

Jen said...

Thanks for stopping by. I know you had no idea I read your blog... I confess that I'm generally a lurker. BUT I do love what you write. BTW, that last picture across the top of your screen is stunning as are the pictures of your family in the fall leaves!

And I have not stopped laughing over the bat!!!!

We love you guys!


Lyra said...

Thanks, Jen! I am a lurker very often, also, so don't feel bad. What's awful is when the blogger begs everyone to de-lurk and reveal themselves, and I feel so much pressure! LOL! Have a great day! We love you guys, too, and miss you!